Eucharistic Adoration is a traditional ministry devoted to spending time with our Lord in the exposed Blessed Sacrament. St. Edwards Church offers Eucharistic Adoration following daily Mass (9:30 am until noon) each Monday. Participants can up for a special hour during this time or come for whatever amount of time they can stay. This hour can be spent in prayer, quiet reflection or conversation with God, praying the Rosary or just relaxing in the peace that comes from being in the presence of God.
Bereavement Committee-Funeral Teams
The Bereavement Committee members are part of funeral teams who prepare food and serve a funeral luncheon for the family and friends of any deceased parish member.
This ministry provides luncheons predominately in the parish hall. The ministry works on an "as needed" basis which can sometimes require multiple services in a given month. Members have shared their love of this ministry because it expresses their concern and comfort for the family in their time of need. Please contact the Maggie Barno in the Parish office, 740-587-3254 for more information and if you would like to be a part of this special ministry.
Caring Committee/Meals
The Caring Committee is made up of volunteers who are ready to take meals to parishioners who may been hospitalized or experienced a temporary illness or crisis. Please call the Parish Office 740-587-3254 to be part of this ministry or to help with meals.
Homebound Ministry- currently we have suspended this ministry
St. Edward's Homebound Ministry provides a connection to individuals who are unable to come to church and would welcome a visit from a fellow parishioner. St. Edward's parishioners, in addition to living in Granville, also reside east of Newark, north of Utica, in Pataskala and Alexandria. To volunteer or for more information,please call the Parish Office 740-587-3254 . Thank you.
Respect Life Committee
The Respect Life Committee fosters awareness of the intrinsic value of every human life. We promote respect for human life from every aspect with special focus on abortion, scientific embryo research, euthanasia, and contraception. Committee activities and programs concentrate on prayer, education and awareness, direct support to women in crisis pregnancies, and political advocacy. Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 9:30 a.m. in the conference room. You may contact John Koenig for more information.
Teams of Our Lady
An international movement of married couples whose purpose is to foster growth in the spiritual life of the couple and family through a program of prayer and study. To volunteer or for more information, please call the Parish Office 740-587-3254.
Welcome Ministry
The Welcome Ministry committee members reaches out to new parishioners and welcomes them to our parish. To volunteer or for more information, please contact Janice Schroeder.
This ministry helps during Parish events so parents of small children can particiapte in Parish programs.
Decorating Church (inside) - seasonal
Flower Planting / Gardening (outside)
Care for Rosary Garden
Mailings - Parish and event mailing
Phone calling - help with reaching out to parishioners