St. Edward’s Preschool is accepting applications for the 2025-26 preschool year in our Tuesday/Thursday (T/R) 3 year old morning classes, Monday/Wednesday/Friday (MWF) 4 year old morning class, and Pre-K PM 4/5 year old class. The T/R morning classes are from 9:00-11:30am and are open to children that will be three years of age by September 30, 2023. The MWF Morning 4 year old classes are from 8:50-11:50am on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The Pre-K PM classes are from 12:15-3:15pm Monday – Thursday and open to four and five-year-old.
Packets of registration information are downloadable from the forms link on this page, and are also available on a table outside St. Edward’s Preschool office. We welcome families to visit our preschool and ask that you call/email ahead so we can arrange a tour.
For more information, contact Mrs. Adrienne Evans, St. Edward’s Preschool Director, at (740)587-3275 or at
Thank you and Blessings!
Mrs. Adrienne Evans
St. Edward’s Preschool
St. Edward’s preschool was founded in 2005 as a ministry of St. Edward’s the Confessor Catholic Church. Its mission is to provide a preschool environment that integrates Christian truths and values with academic programs to enrich the lives of the children and their families. St. Edward's Preschool admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin.
Values we foster include: teamwork, citizenship, problem-solving, kindness, honesty, respect, self discipline, responsibility and perseverance.
We provide a caring and nurturing atmosphere where our Christian beliefs are expressed by example. We accept each child as an individual, striving to help each one develop a positive self-image.
General Information on Program Tuition
A one time Registration Fee of $100 (non-refundable)There will be no tuition adjustments made for calamity days as the weather, acts of nature, health emergencies, etc. are out of our control. We will make every effort to make up days if more than 5 days are missed due to weather or other emergencies.
We expect that your child will attend the entire school year. Please provide two weeks written notice to the preschool director prior to withdrawing your child from the program. Refunds will be at the discretion of the administration and dependent upon the time of year and ability to fill the opening. Our budget to operate a quality program is based upon full enrollment. If a refund is granted, the refund will be subject to processing fees.
St Edward's Preschool admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin.