Christ meets us where we are... Let's continue together to meet Christ.
PSR Registration
Register for 2024-25 PSR Classes using the link below:
2024-25 New Format PSR Registration
PSR Fees Payment:
Payment form 2024-25
2024-25 Class Times
Sunday Classes 9:30 - 10:30 am (between Masses)
NO PSR Dec. 22, and 29
Have a Blessed Christmas
2024-25 Homeschool options upon request
Save "Photo Release" and send to
2024-25 Photo Release Form
Mary Packham in the Religious Education office at or
phone 740-587-4160 for more information.
PGC is needed for anyone working with children/youth in the Catholic Church. For more information see or email Mary Packham at
Volunteers working with children: Ohio Senate Bill 187 (section 109.574) states that a background check is required for anyone who supervises a child when no other person over 18 years of age is in the same room or, if outdoors, no other person over age 18 is within a 30 yard radius or has visual contact with the child.
To volunteer with children at St. Edward's, whether it be driving on field trips, coaching, providing childcare, or being involved with children in PSR or Youth Ministry, it is necessary that your fingerprints be on file with the Diocese.
It is also required by the Diocese that persons working/volunteering with children attend "Protecting God's Children" session. Please contact Mary Packham at the parish office at 740-587-4160 for more information about these sessions.