Congratulations on your upcoming marriage!
On this page, you will find:
As soon as a couple sets a date for their wedding, the parish office contacts the Director of Music to inform him of the date. You can contact the Director of Music anytime to begin the planning process; it is never too early.
Depending on your location, planning can be done through a combination of e-mails, phone calls, and in-person meetings. At least one in-person meeting is preferable, ideally with both the bride-to-be and groom-to-be.
The planning process should be started at least two months prior to your wedding, and all music and musicians should be finalized by -- at the latest -- one month prior to the wedding date. That allows sufficient time for musicians to prepare music and coordinate rehearsals.
Who are the musicians for weddings at St. Edward’s?
The Director of Music serves as the primary organist for weddings at St. Edward’s. If the Director of Music is unable to play for your wedding, he will coordinate finding another organist.
The cantor (the vocalist) is selected from the cantors who serve for regular weekend Masses at St. Edward’s. The Director of Music coordinates the scheduling of cantors for weddings.
What instruments do you have at St. Edward’s?
St. Edward’s has an organ and a piano. Either or both can be used for your wedding.
Can there be other instruments as well?
With adequate notice, the Director of Music can coordinate the participation of musicians who play flute, violin, trumpet, guitar, and other instruments. Please note that there is no guarantee that such instrumentalists will be available. Also, they will require payment for their services.
What are the stipends for the organist, cantor, and other instrumentalists?
The stipends for the organist and cantor are included in the wedding fees paid to the St. Edward’s parish office. There is no extra stipend required for the organist and cantor.
The stipend for any additional instrumentalist is contingent upon the individual musician. Such stipends are negotiated and paid directly to the musician. They vary widely based on the expectations for the amount of music to be played, the amount of rehearsal time necessary, travel, and other factors.
I have family members or friends who have played/sung for weddings. Can they participate?
The Director of Music will work with you to have family members and friends participate as singers or instrumentalists as appropriate. Please make these arrangements as soon as possible. All musicians should be finalized well in advance (at least one month prior to the wedding date).
We are having our mothers/grandmothers seated before the wedding party enters. Can we have music then?
Yes, they can be seated during the final prelude piece.
We are taking flowers to the statue of Mary during the wedding. Can there be music then?
Yes, if you wish to take flowers to the statue of Mary, there is usually a short instrumental or vocal piece. It is most appropriate for the music to be related to Mary.
Does St. Edward’s print programs or worship aids for weddings?
No, we do not. Most couples print programs themselves. The Director of Music will gladly provide information to you to include in the program. While printing titles and composer names is permitted, some musical notation and lyrics cannot legally be printed without permission from the publisher. Payment to the publisher is sometimes—but not always—required. The Director of Music can help with securing that permission.
Are there parish or diocesan guidelines about appropriate wedding music?
Yes. The St. Edward's parish guidelines are: In the Catholic tradition, the marriage of a woman and a man is celebrated as a Sacrament. As such, the religious nature of the wedding liturgy is carefully preserved. Therefore, only liturgically appropriate music may be used at weddings; no music of a non-liturgical or nonreligious nature (popular music) may be used before (prelude), during (the actual Mass or ceremony itself) or after (postlude) a wedding at St. Edward the Confessor Church. All music (vocal and instrumental) must be sacred or classical and must be approved by the Director of Music.
The parish guidelines and procedures are based on directives established by the Diocese of Columbus.
The following recordings are just some of the many possible wedding processionals and recessionals. They are in mp3 format.
If the files do not load and play properly on your device, please contact
The music for these pieces is, as far as Paul Radkowski/St. Edward the Confessor are aware, in the public domain. The recordings were made by Paul Radkowski/St. Edward the Confessor on the St. Edward's organ in July 2016 or October 2018 for the sole purpose of posting on this website. The files are for listening only. They may not be adapted, recorded, distributed, copied, altered, or used for any other purpose -- commercial or noncommercial. If you have any questions or corrections regarding the copyright information for these files, please contact Paul Radkowski at or 740-587-3254.